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My customer says he/she paid but I don’t have the order?

  1. Access the VPS merchant portal and select the Terminal transactions page.
  2. Use the date picker to locate the date range of the transaction
  3. All transactions (successful or unsuccessful) are listed here
  • If transaction = unsuccessful, you should not fulfil the order.
  • If transaction = successful, you should fulfil the order.
  • If transaction is not found, have the customer check their transaction history on the app.

My customer says their card was debited twice in error?

  1. Access the VPS merchant portal and select the Terminal transactions page.
  2. Use the date picker to locate the date range of the transaction
  3. All transactions (successful or unsuccessful) are listed here
  • If a single transaction exists as successful, inform customer only one debit occurred.
  • If more than one successful transaction exists for the same order, log issue with technical support to investigate before processing a refund.
  • If transaction is not found, have the customer check their transaction history on the app.

I’ve received notice of a chargeback/dispute, how do I identify the transaction?

  1. Access the VPS merchant portal and select the Terminal transactions page.
  2. Use the date picker to locate the date range of the transaction
  3. All transactions (successful or unsuccessful) are listed here
  4. Select the relevant transaction to obtain the order number that will identify the corresponding order on your mini app.

ISO Send the relevant order information direct to the acquiring bank before the 7-day deadline.

Agg Send the relevant order information to the notifying party before the 7-day deadline.

Daily Transactions

Where can I view transactions processed on my mini app for today?

  1. Access the VPS merchant portal and select the Terminal transactions page.
  2. Use the date picker to locate the date range of the transaction
  3. All transactions (successful or unsuccessful) are listed here

If you cannot view any transactions on this page, ask the Call Centre agent to do the follow:

  1. Access your TR merchant portal and locate your account under the Terminal transactions menu
  2. Determine if any records are displayed for the date range specified.
  3. If N, no records exist
  4. If Y, log a technical support ticket for the teams to investigate and resolve.

How can I download my daily transactions?

  1. Access the VPS merchant portal and select the Terminal transactions page.
  2. Use the date picker to locate the date range of the transaction
  3. All transactions (successful or unsuccessful) are listed here
  4. Select the Export button to the right of the page
  5. A CSV file will automatically download

How can I download my daily transactions in Excel and not CSV format?

  1. Access the VPS merchant portal and select the Terminal transactions page.
  2. Use the date picker to locate the date range of the transaction
  3. All transactions (successful or unsuccessful) are listed here
  4. Select the Export button to the right of the page
  5. A CSV file will automatically download
  6. Open the CSV file in MS Excel, select the first column and choose the Data ribbon
  7. Select the Text to Columns function in the Data Tools section
  8. Select Delimited
  9. Select the Delimiters “Tab” and “Semi-colon” and select the Finish button
  10. Select Save As and choose the appropriate xls file type


When will I receive settlement for transactions processed on my mini app?


T+1 denotes:

  • "T" - the transaction date
  • "+x" - the number of days

ie T+1 means one day after the transaction date, T+2 means two days after the transaction date...

ISO You will be settled for all card transactions the day after the transaction occurred. You will see the funds reflecting in your account from T+1, depending on which bank your clearing bank account is with. Public holidays and weekends will impact these timelines. You will be settled for all SOV transactions one business day after the transaction occurred. You will see the funds reflecting in your account from T+2, depending on which bank your clearing bank account is with. Public holidays and weekends will impact these timelines.

Agg You will be settled for all card and SOV transactions one business day after the transaction occurred. You will see the funds reflecting in your account from T+2, depending on which bank your clearing bank account is with. Public holidays and weekends will impact these timelines.

Where is my settlement for transactions processed on x date?

ISO You can access the Nedbank Merchant Portal to view all settlements made to your clearing bank account. Do you have access to the portal?

  • If Yes, please access the portal and revert if you don’t see the required information.
  • If No, please check with the authorised person for the account in your organisation. Alternative contact for support.


  • Access the VPS merchant portal and select the Account transactions page.
  • Use the date picker to locate the date range of the transactions.
  • All settled transactions are listed here.

There is a settlement amount on the merchant portal, but I have not received the funds in my clearing bank account

ISO If your clearing bank account is a Nedbank account, the funds will reflect on the same day. If it is with another bank, you may only see the funds reflect from the following business day, depending on the institution.

If more than 5 business days have passed, advise contact the Nedbank merchant support team on 0860 114 966 or visit for the call me back function. When logging a support call to Nedbank have your merchant ID on hand.

Agg If your clearing bank account is a Nedbank account, the funds will reflect on the same day. If it is with another bank, you may only see the funds reflect from the following business day, depending on the institution.

If more than 5 business days have passed, log the issue for investigation by the technical support team for resolution

I believe there is a discrepancy in the figures on the merchant portal


  • Access the VPS merchant portal and select the Terminal transactions page.
  • Use the date picker to locate the date range of the query.
  • All transactions (successful or unsuccessful) are listed here.
  • All transactions with the Reconciliation status of Reconciled should be reflected on the Nedbank merchant portal figures.

If you notice any discrepancies on the transaction data that appears on the Nedbank merchant portal or on the monthly statements, then this can be queried directly with Nedbank. You will have to contact the merchant helpdesk at 0860 114 966 or visit the for the call me back function. When logging a support call to Nedbank you should have your merchant ID on hand


  • Access the VPS merchant portal and select the Terminal transactions page.
  • Use the date picker to locate the date range of the query.
  • All transactions (successful or unsuccessful) are listed here.
  • All transactions with the Reconciliation status of Reconciled should be reflected in the clearing bank account.

If the mini-app merchant notices any discrepancies on the transaction data that appears on the VPS merchant portal or on the monthly statements, then this can be queried with the technical support team

Why am I being nett settled for some transactions and gross settled for others?

ISO SOV and payment methods other than card are settled by VPS and not Nedbank. Because VPS deducts fees before settlement, this means that you will be nett settled for SOV and payment methods other than card.

Agg Not applicable

Why am I being settled for some and not all the transactions processed on a given day?

ISO Card transactions can sometimes be held back for fraud checks, which can cause delays in the settlement date. SOV and payment methods other than card are settled by VPS and not Nedbank which means that you would receive 2 settlements for a given business day.

Agg Card transactions can sometimes be held back for fraud checks, which can cause delays in the settlement date.


How do I process a refund?

Refunds can be processed via an API or manually through the VPS merchant portal.

  • Access the VPS merchant portal and select the Terminal transactions page.
  • Select the red Refund a customer button on the top right of the page
  • Locate the transaction you would like to refund and select the arrow to the right of the record
  • Capture the refund value (can be less but not more than the original transaction value), and an email address or mobile number for the e-receipt.
  • Submit

Do I need my customer’s card details to process a refund?

No, the system will process the refund back onto the original payment method without you having to capture this information

My customer is due a refund for a card transaction, but they would prefer cash /EFT/other

This is not recommended. You should always refund a customer using the original payment method to guard against possible risk of chargebacks where a customer can claim that they never received a refund that they were due. This will result in you as the merchant being out of pocket.

I tried to process a refund, but it failed?

ISO Is the status of the transaction showing as Pending on the merchant portal?

  • If Yes, wait until the following day as refunds cannot be processed on the same day as the original transaction.
  • If No, try again and if the issue persist it will need to be logged for technical resolution

If refund won’t go through on a different day to the original transaction, log for technical resolution with Traderoot

Agg Is the status of the transaction showing as Pending on the merchant portal?

  • If Yes, wait until the following day as refunds cannot be processed on the same day as the original transaction.
  • If No, is the value of the refund greater than the amount of successful transactions processed by the mini app for the business day? The system performs a liquidity check on aggregated merchant accounts so it may be necessary to wait till later in the day for there to be more liquidity in the merchant’s account.

Call Center agent to:

  1. Access your TR merchant portal and locate the merchant’s account under the Terminal transactions menu
  2. Determine the total value of any records displayed for the today’s date. If the value of the refund exceeds this total, the refund will not be processed, and the merchant must wait till later in the day when there is more liquidity.
  3. If the refund amount is less than 90% of the total value for today’s date, log a technical support ticket for the teams to investigate and resolve

Can Vodapay process a refund for my customer?

No, we don’t allow refunds to be processed on our merchant’s behalf. Customer’s must contact you as the merchant directly, to initiate a refund.

I processed a refund, but the customer hasn’t got the money

Is the refund transaction reflecting as successful on the merchant portal?

  • If Yes, refunds are processed at different times depending on the banks. Allow for 7 business days to pass before escalating.
  • If No, the refund was not successfully processed – please try again.

How do I find a transaction to process a refund?

Using the Retrieval Reference Number, you can perform a search and match the correct transaction to refund.


Where can I see my transaction processing fees?

ISO Access the Nedbank merchant portal and navigate to the Statements tab. Select the date range for the invoice you require and select the download button. Agg Access the VPS merchant portal and select the My documents page. Select the statement for the relevant date required.

Where can I see the Platform success fees?

Access the VPS merchant portal and select the My documents page. Select the statement for the relevant date required.

Merchant Portal

I can’t access a particular screen or functionality on the merchant portal

ISO Are you referring to the Nedbank or VPS merchant portal?

  • If Nedbank: Advise the merchant to contact the Nedbank merchant support team on 0860 114 966 or visit for the call me back function. When logging a support call to Nedbank the mini-app merchant should have their merchant ID.
  • If VPS, determine the screen or functionality that is the issue and log a support ticket for the technical team to resolve.

Agg Determine the screen or functionality that is the issue and log a support ticket for the technical team to resolve.